Our Projects

Interceptor Sewer Replacement – PS and Force Main Design

The sanitary sewer collection system in Ellwood City includes main interceptor gravity lines that were installed over 100 years ago. The existing interceptor is inaccessible and in disrepair. Sections of the interceptor are uncovered and damaged, creating risk of raw sewage spills into Connoquenessing Creek, which is both a public and environmental health hazard. Due to the difficult topography of the area, and to maintain gravity flow, the interceptor could not be relocated. Replacement of the sewer in its existing location was not recommended as a long-term solution due to construction access and bypass pumping requirements. Installing a new sewer at the existing location also does not allow access for routine maintenance. While with GPI, Diane Altland managed the design team led by Ashley Reed in preparing a design which includes installing a new pump station and force main and abandoning portions of the existing lines in place. Approximately 2,300 LF of new 18” gravity sewers will convey flow to the new pump station and 5,200 LF of 18” forcemain will be installed. The new 4 MGD ADF pump station has a peak capacity of 6 MGD and conveys flow to the to the Borough’s existing Primary Lift Station for conveyance to the wastewater treatment plant. The total project cost is $8,000,000.

Our Projects

Other Projects We Have Done

Canonsburg Houston Joint Authority

Sanitary Sewer System Evaluation

Force Main Replacement and Treatment Plant Upgrades