Our Projects

Sanitary Sewer System Evaluation

Diane Altland in her capacity with GPI was selected to evaluate eleven (11) pump stations, force main sewers and gravity sewers owned and operated by the Conneaut Lake Joint Municipal Authority (CLJMA) to determine the condition of the client’s assets. CCTV surveys were conducted throughout the system to characterize sewer conditions and performed smoke and dye testing in problem areas to confirm connectivity. A hydraulic model was developed of a portion of the CLJMA system to identify sewer lines which required upsizing to accommodate flows. The model was validated through flow monitoring data collected at multiple locations within the subsystem. Based on the results of these evaluations, a report was compiled with a prioritized plan for upgrading and repairing the system and integrated these recommendations into a 5-year capital improvement plan (CIP) for the sewers. The CIP included recommendations for maintaining, repairing and monitoring the client’s pump station infrastructure as well as a long-term plan to systematically replace all the pumps at the various pump stations throughout the system.

Our Projects

Other Projects We Have Done

Canonsburg Houston Joint Authority

Force Main Replacement and Treatment Plant Upgrades

Interceptor Sewer Replacement – PS and Force Main Design